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Using ActiveWallet like a Pro

Do you know that ActiveSG has stopped collecting cash as payment for a couple of years already? With Wirecard SG closing down in Singapore, ActiveSG has also ceased the use of CEPAS or EZ-link card for payment to ActiveSG facilities on 3 October 2020 onwards.

So how do we make payment to ActiveSG from now on?

Yes, this is the most asked question since 3 October 2020. We will share it here so that you can share it with everyone who is affected.

The only payment mode ActiveSG is accepting now is ActiveWallet. You can download the app on:

You can then sign up the membership by following the steps below:

As ActiveSG is an initiative of the government, you may use Singpass to sign up an account. What's more, local residents (Singaporeans and Permanent Residents) will receive a free ActiveSG$100 upon signing up and verification. The ActiveSG$ can be used as cash payment to pay for facilities booking and also offset up to 30% of your ActiveSG programme fee!

Of course, anything that comes free has a fine print to it. The free ActiveSG$ will only be valid till the end of the following year upon sign up. Expiry will extend 1 year if you use the credit at least once during the expiring year, so all you have to do is to visit ActiveSG facilities once a year.

ActiveSG has not mention when they will stop this offer for local residents, so if you have not sign up for it, please do sign up to redeem your ActiveSG$100.

What happen if I used up the ActiveSG$? Can I redeem more ActiveSG$?

This will bring us to the next part of ActiveWallet. ActiveWallet is not just about the ActiveSG$, it is also a payment gateway to all ActiveSG facilities, programmes and their merchant. As shared earlier, ActiveSG$ can only be used on facilities booking and 30% of the programme fee. The remaining 70% of the programme fee and merchants products / services will have to be paid via the MyCash portion of ActiveWallet. All you have to do is to top up via direct debit or credit card. Maximum amount to store in the MyCash portion is $200.

Here comes the exciting part...

For every $10 spent using MyCash, you will receive ActiveSG$1! Let's say if you make a payment of $100 to School of Swimology for swimming lesson, you will earn ActiveSG$10 for that transaction! All you have to do is to top up your MyCash and request for the QR code from us. Scan the QR code and make the payment to us and you will receive the ActiveSG$ straight away. It is that simple! Also, ActiveSG do have some events and challenges once in a while that offer ActiveSG$ as rewards, so do check on ActiveSG app every now and then to find out.

Knowing what ActiveWallet can do doesn't make you a pro yet, you need to know what is its restriction too. We will make it more explicit here in case you still don't get it yet. Yes, you get ActiveSG$1 for every $10 spent in MyCash. This also mean that if you spend only $9.90 using MyCash, you still will not be entitled to redeem any ActiveSG$. Also, each transaction will only give a maximum of ActiveSG$10, so if your transaction is more than $100, you will still get ActiveSG$10.

If you have been attentively reading this post, you should know ActiveWallet inside out now. However, if you feel that there are more things you wish to find out or we have not put it here, feel free to contact us at, we will get your questions answered.

Alternatively, you can visit ActiveSG website for more information.

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